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Trip to Venus
Titanium Ferry Occasion: March 6 - March 23
For the longest time in modern history, Venus has been seen as a hostile, deadly planet, and it didn't earn that reputation for no reason. By far the hottest planet in our solar system, on the surface it's enough to melt lead. You need not fret, however, for on your trip, you won't get close to that environment. Floating a solid 8km above the ground are several densely populated cities, elevated by means of quantum levitation. On this trip we will visit Jamain, the second largest city on Venus and stay there for one week (earth time)

Trip to Mars
2 Years Anniversary of NASA Museum: March 26 - April 8
What is easily forgotten is that after our first landing on the moon more than 120 years ago, while Mars was the obvious next target, it took humanity almost 70 years until our first successful mission there in 2033. Since then we've branched out to most other places in the solar system, but mars still remains a popular destination for tourists. We recommend checking out the NASA museum in Eastern Curiosa which we will pass by early on this trip.

Trip to Europa
Europa Skiing Tournament: April 30 - June 3
As the older of you may recall, Europa marked an important milestone in our understanding of life when we in 2041 discovered single celled organisms living near underwater geysers, far below the icy surface. Naturally, Europa is now known to many as the science capital of the solar system, but there are still plenty of things for space tourists to find and experience in different habitat areas on the surface. We recommend getting a ticket for the skiing resort when we arrive at West Keistesher.