Caroline Frössling

Me and my cheerleading team.

Hi and welcome to my personal website. On this website, you are able to read about my life. If you are further interested in what I like to do, you can read about
it under "Hobbies".

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me on Instagram or Facebook!

Me and my sisters from my graduation.


My name is Caroline Frössling and I am 20 years old. I grew up in Borås, a rainy town in Sweden, but recently moved to Jönköping to study New Media Design at Jönköping University. During my free time I like to dance and hang out with friends.


This year is my first year at JTH, and so far I am really happy with the education and the people I have met these last few months.


During my time in High School, in between the second and third year, I went abroad as an exchange student to the US. I lived in Utah with a host family which contained of my host mom, host dad, two host sisters, four cats, two dogs, and two goats (yeah, I know, we were a pretty big family). I really enjoyed my stay there and it made a huge impact on my life. I also made the cheer team at the school I attended, which was one of my favorite parts of the year.