Sofia Tingstål

About me

Who am I?

My name is Sofia and I am 19 years old and originally from Stockholm. At the moment I am stuying here in Jönköping and I live in Huskvarna in a student accomodation. In my free time I like to read books, preferably fantasy or non-fiction, watch movies and listen to music. When watching movies I usually prefer animated ones like Inside out, Up and Ponyo. But I also like drama movies like Little Women. Before starting my studies here in Jönköping, I studied "Estet & Media" in High School back at home in Stockholm. This program included subjects like film, photography and history & culture. Of course we also hade the basic ones like English, math and social science too.

Why NMD?

I choose New Media Design mostly because I have an interest in Graphic design. In High School I was introduced to the Adobe programs and I have basic knowledge of Photshop, Indesign and Illustrator. During my years in High School I found an intrest in working with illustrator and began learing more about it outside of school. I also quite like drawing and I enjoy working with procreate on my iPad. Lastly, I am pretty curious to learn more about web development and develop my skills.

Previous work

In our first course at NMD we worked with assignments like stylization and branding. We also learned the basics of Photshop, Indesign and Illustrator. Here is some of my work.

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