Who am I?
My name is Saga Lannerhjelm and I'm 19 years old. I come from a town in Sweden called Borås, about one hour drive from Jönköping. I have lived there my whole life until this year when I moved to a little appartment with about a 30 minutes walk from Jönköping University. I'm currently a first year student at Jönköping University within the program New Media Design (Graisk Design och Webbutveckling).
Previous education
I have previously studied three years of Graphic Design in a "gymnasium" in Borås called LBS. This education was mostly very basic, but has given me some fundamentals to stand on. My background with web development is almost non existent, a part from when I got interested in it during a summer break three years ago, and a tiny section of HTML I had in one of my last courses at my previous school.
Why New Media Design?
Graphic design has always interested me, and web development is familiar because that both of my parents work within that field. New Media Design was therefore an education I thought would work well for me. I can't say that my previous education in Graphic Design gave me much, but it was at least a way to figure out that I wanted to continue with it. I choose this program because it allows you to be both creative and technical!
Some School Work
Here are a few of the things I've done in New Media Design. You can click some of them!

Sylization - Titanic_____________________Illustration___________________________________Photoshop assignment