Sandra and Luna
Sandra and Pernilla

About me

My name is Sandra, I'm 20 years old and I'm born and raised in Gothenburg, Sweden.

I like photography, reading, and K-dramas. Click the "hobbies" link up top to see more of my hobbies.

I currently study New Media Design at Jönköping University, and I work at a cinema. You can also find me at Aka, where I'm part of the photopool.

More About Me

Since I work at a cinema, I spend much of my free time watching movies. Some of my favourites include Legally Blonde, Mean Girls, Pride & Prejudice and Emma. Horror movies are not my thing, and neither are movies with car chases in them.

I've managed to read about 2 books a month this year so far, but I'd like to read more. Two recommendations are Parachutes and The Inheritance Games (both released in 2020), for those of you who enjoy YA.

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