Hej! I am Essien Sampson from Nigeria. I'm currently a New Media Design (NMD) student of Jönköping University, Sweden. My passion for inovation and user friendly tech interfaces influenced my decision to pick NMD as my choice of study at JU. I believe with the intigration of Graphics Design to New Media development, designers would be have a broader perspective when dealing with products/interfaces and also be dynamic when creating interactive design systems for world problems. My love for nature, fashion and good food made travelling/exploring cultures and networking one of my best forms of adventure and learning process. I hold a Bachelors degree in Project Management Technology.
During free times/holidays, going on trips to new locations helps stress relieve for me and i tend to apreciate the environment more as idraw inspiraion from nature.
Meeting people and networking has been one of my best forms of self development which has helped me in understanding the concept of "unity in diversity"
Exexerise is the key to a happy life, i make concious efforts to combine regular workouts with playing lawn tennis especially during weekends.
I love this popular saying "you are what you eat". So I spend alot of effort in making sure i eat right in other to live a healthy and balanced work and social life.