Early Life
I was born in 2001 here in Jonkoping Sweden. I grew up with both my parents and a big brother. I got an interest in video games, economics and I was fascinated by people that could create stuff. Before entering highschool I was really worried about what I should pick. I eventually choose a creative school where I studied Video Game Graphics. I've always been a person that's split between logic based thinking and creative thinking.
Choosing JU
After highschool I was a confused. I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. I was burned out on 3D modelling and drawing. I worked for 5 months then I wanted to challenge myself so I took a Semester in Maths and Physics at Linne University. It was time for me to choose, creative arts or STEM. Then I found the perfect mix. New Media Design using creativity to design and style a website and using logic, organisation and brain to code.
Looking Ahead
We are now a few months into the programme and coding is definitely the part I'm most looking forward to learning. I have a lot to learn and it's gonna be interesting to learn about the structures and intricacies of coding. For the future I'm thinking that I should learn programming on my spare time. We also have the exchange year to worry/look forward to depending on the person. I for one consider going to Japan, Korea or USA.